Molecular services




Molecular and prenatal diagnosis is done for the following genetic diseases :

  1. Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA type I, II, III).
  2.  β-Thalassemia
  3. Cystic fibrosis(CF)
  4. Duchenne/ Becker muscular atrophy (DMD/BMD)
  5. Factor V Leiden
  6. MCAD
  7. Deafness
  8. Sterility due to deletions in AZFa,AZFb, AZFc, AZFd and  DAZ loci 
  9. Myotonic dystrophy (DM) 
  10.  Friedreich Ataxia
  11. Fragile X Syndrome
  12. Sex Determination
  13. Huntington Disease
  14. Celiac Disease
  15. HLA typing for Transplantation
  16. Monitoring Transplantation by molecular testing for chimeras in bone marrow
  17. APOE and PS2  genotyping
  18. Ankylosing Spondylitis
  19. Parternity


Contact us: Tel:(+98 21)88003811-12