


Paternity Testing (DNA fingerprinting):

In this method the DNA polymorphisms of the individuals are specified using PCR of more than 22 STR marker and the genotypes are determined with a probability that exceeds 99.999999999 %. In the mixed samples, more than one individual, the High –resolution HLA typing is applied.

A: Paternity testing is a scientific way to determine the biological parents of a child. DNA paternity testing examines genetic material from a child and compares it to that of the mother and alleged father. While the word paternity refers to father, a mother or other close relative can also be identified by DNA testing.

Q: Who benefits from paternity testing?

A: Paternity testing is most often used for: child support, peace of mind, custody and visitation rights, inheritance rights, immigration, establishing statutory rape or incest, or establishing the biological family of an adopted child.

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